power 2 change


Throughout the High Desert at our individual churches. See Our Churches at the top of the page for individual church service times and other information.

Power 2 Change Crusades Promo Video 

(3) Power 2 Change Crusades - Invite from Pastor Jim Daugherty - YouTube


Let us know you’re coming via Facebook invitation.

Power 2 Change Crusades | Facebook

Invite your friends – Email Invitation from Website

Get your Church Involved – Email Power2ChangeCrusades@yahoo.com

I gave my life to Jesus – Button Link with Google Document


Serve Jesus at the Power 2 Change Crusades 

(3) Volunteers Needed for Power 2 Change Crusades October 13th and 14th 2023 - YouTube

Green Modern Business Services LinkedIn Post - LinkedIn Post (canva.com)

Share the event page on your social media networks.

Borcelle RESTO presents - Facebook Cover (canva.com)

Social Media handles Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, etc.

I gave my life to Jesus – Button Link with Google Document


Serve Jesus at the Power 2 Change Crusades on October 13th and 14th

Click this Button to Sign-Up https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScXZrof2HB7d8hAC3okUj1fPVlSXSo9sWgpoHwwh883hH2Izg/viewform

Donate and Support Power 2 Change Crusades


Power 2 Change Crusades Event Details 

You’re Invited to come with family and friends to Power 2 Change Crusades Friday, October 13th and Saturday, October 14th, 2023, starting at 5:00 pm both nights (Gates open at 4:00 pm) at The Hangar Stadium. Both Nights will feature live Freestyle Motocross shows, live music with wrestling team performances on Saturday night, and a straightforward message from Pastor Jim Daugherty both nights.

Power 2 Change Crusades with Evangelist Jim Daugherty is blessed to partner with the High Desert Baptist Association and Christian churches throughout Southern California. This Power 2 Change Crusades 2-day outreach event has been made possible by prayer and generous donations and support from churches from the High Desert Baptist Association and the California Southern Baptist Convention. 

Power 2 Change Crusades Faqs 

(Please create Drop Down Menu below with question and answers)

#1 How much does it cost to attend Power 2 Change Crusades?

Power 2 Change Crusades on October 13th and 14th at The Hangar Stadium are free admission events due to the generous giving from our ministry partners. A freewill love offering will be taken on both nights.

#2 What time does the event start?

Power 2 Change Crusades October 13th and 14th start at 5:00 pm both nights (Gates open at 4:00 pm Nightly).

#3 Is there a charge for Parking?

This Power 2 Change Crusades 2-day event will be free parking for all cars and buses. 

#4 Where will the Power 2 Change Crusades

The Hangar Stadium 45116 Valley Central Way, Lancaster, CA 93536.

#5 No tickets are required; however, we ask that you click on Facebook.com/Power2ChangeCrusades and click that you are coming so we can know you’re coming.

#6 Can I bring food into The Hangar?

No outside food is permitted. There will be food trucks on site both days where food purchases can be made. Water bottles are acceptable. 

#7 Can I become a Vendor?

Power 2 Change Crusades and the High Desert Baptist Association have 

Pre-approved contracts with the vendors we work with. No other vendors are permitted on site without written permission from Power 2 Change Crusades and the High Desert Baptist Association.

#8 Can I watch Power 2 Change Crusades online?

Yes, Power 2 Change Crusades will be broadcasting on the event page at Facebook.com/Power2ChangeCrusades and @PastorJimDaugherty on TikTok. We encourage you and your church ministry to share our Power 2 Change Crusades promotions and live stream on your social media networks to reach as many with the gospel as possible. 

#9 Will there be follow-up at the Power 2 Change Crusades

Yes, When Pastor Jim Daugherty gives the gospel at every Power 2 Change Crusades in person or online, follow-up is important. 

For this Power 2 Change Crusades event we are praying for 400 Decision Follow-Up Volunteers to help us as well as Pastor Jim Daugherty has his Power 2 Change Crusades team that helps with the follow-up process to get the information of those who have received Jesus as Savior back to the Pastors and churches to begin the follow-up process.

#10 Can I serve at Power 2 Change Crusades?

You can sign-up to serve as a Decision Follow-Up Volunteer, become an Usher, serve in Security, or serve on our Prayer team.

#11 Is there a dress code for Power 2 Change Crusades

Shoes, Shirts, and modest apparel must be worn to enter the Power 2 Change Crusades on both nights of the event.

#12 Are there local hotels that are available in the area?

Yes, there is a variety of hotel accommodations in the Antelope Valley area. Please google hotels in Lancaster, CA, and Palmdale, CA to find options available for nightly rental.

#13 Are pets welcome inside the stadium?

Only service animals with verified paperwork and identification will be allowed.

#14 Will there be security on site?

Yes, there will be security and law enforcement on site. All attendees must enter through the front gates and will be subject to a search of bags and go through metal detection from the on-site security team.